International Journal of Education & Technology <p><span class="S1PPyQ">The International Journal of Education &amp; Technology (IJE-TECH) is a peer-reviewed international publication valuable to those interested in education, technology and management issues. It is a multi-disciplinary effort involving professionals, practitioners and scientists. It will specifically provide a unifying basis bringing together educators, academicians, and researchers, among others.</span></p> en-US (Faiz Azizul) (Faiz Azizul) Sun, 24 Dec 2023 14:49:19 +0000 OJS 60 AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON THE INFLUENCING FACTORS OF CHINESE COLLEGE STUDENTS' EMPLOYABILITY <p>As the scale of Chinese universities and colleges continues to expand, the number of students graduating from colleges and universities is increasing every year, and the problem of "difficult employment" of college students is becoming increasingly prominent. Colleges and universities need to deeply study the influencing factors of the cultivation of college students' employability in order to comprehensively improve the employment competitiveness of college students. This paper puts forward the factors that influence the cultivation of college students' employability,and makes an empirical analysis with the data obtained from the questionnaire of college graduates of various majors of Guangdong Jiaying University as the research sample. The empirical analysis shows that the influencing factors are composed of strategic planning, curriculum and major settings, training approaches, teachers' level, and career planning guidance. They have a significant role in promoting college students' employability.</p> Lin Kai, Noraini Hj. Zainal Abidin Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Education & Technology Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFICACY OF THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM METHOD IN IMPROVING DANCE SPORTS SKILLS AMONG TEENAGERS <p>&nbsp;This study aimed to determine how well the Flipped Classroom model improved dancing athletic skills at the Dalian Learning Center. With 30 respondents for the experimental group instructed to utilize the Flipped Classroom approach and 28 respondents for the control group, this quantitative research uses a quasi-experimental methodology. Pre-test, post-test, and checklist are the instruments that are employed. Pre- and post-test instruments were used to compare the performance of the experimental group and the control group in terms of essay writing. The checklist tool was used to examine the content processing elements of the pupils' essays. The content processing features of the students' essays were examined using the checklist tool. The Statistical Package for Social Science Software (SPSS) Version 23.0 was used to analyze the data that had been collected. T-test analysis was used to analyze the study's findings further. Compared to a mean score of 14.00 and a standard deviation of 3.620 for the control group, the experimental group's mean score was 20.64 with a standard deviation of 2.244, indicating better outcomes. Teachers can use the findings of this study to apply the Flipped Classroom Method better efficiently and methodically o various topics or student points.</p> Luo Meng Long, Nor Aishah Buang, Nordalila Mohammad Rasid Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Education & Technology Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 TEACHER QUESTIONING ON STUDENTS’ CRITICAL THINKING ABILITY IN HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH READING <p>Critical thinking is an important part of thinking ability. Teachers’ questions in English reading classrooms affect the quality of reading teaching and play a key role in cultivating and developing students’ critical thinking. There is a certain positive impact on students' critical thinking. However, in the current high school English reading teaching in China, most teachers lack attention to the cognitive level of questioning, and the number of questions with high cognitive level is relatively small. Teachers lack the awareness of using classroom questions to stimulate students' thinking, which is not conducive to cultivating and developing students' critical thinking. (1) How does teacher questioning affect students' critical thinking tendency in high school English reading teaching? (2) How does teacher questioning affect students' critical thinking skills in high school English reading teaching? (3) What is the impact of teachers' questions on students' English reading performance in high school English reading teaching? In response to these problems, this study classifies and designs teacher questions based on Bloom's cognitive target classification, and applies teacher questions to English reading teaching based on constructivism theory and zone of proximal development theory. Using empirical research methods to explore the impact of teacher questioning on students' critical thinking and the effectiveness of cultivating students' critical thinking in high school English reading teaching, with a view to the design of questions in front-line English teachers' reading teaching and the cultivation of students' critical thinking for reference.&nbsp;</p> Yin Quanqin, Lee Keok Cheong Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Education & Technology Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 INNOVATION OF COMPUTER TEACHING MANAGEMENT AND ECOLOGICAL SHAPING OF THE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT <p>During the lockdown time, the entire educational system was warped, from elementary school to higher education. However, the most recent coronavirus sickness (COVID-19) has been reported worldwide, including China. In order to transform Shanghai into a learning city accessible to "everyone, anytime and everywhere," Shanghai is spearheading the Life-long Learning Initiative, which aims to make the city an ICT-rich environment for learning. Despite the fact that a great deal of technology has been created, very few people have thought about how to improve the way students learn with it. There are many lessons that can be gleaned from studying how to execute an innovative learning design in a technologically advanced setting. Innovative learning design in an ICT-rich context will be discussed at this conference, as well as the challenges of making e-learning advances more widely available.</p> Yan Dong Yu, Noraini Hj. Zainal Abidin Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Education & Technology Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 A QUALITATIVE STUDY OF HIGHER EDUCATION ADAPTATION PROBLEMS OF COLLEGE STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES IN INCLUSIVE EDUCATION <p>The emergence of inclusive education has altered the landscape of special education placements, dismantling segregation. This report performed one-on-one, semi-structured interviews with a convenience sample of three college students with disabilities using a qualitative research methodology. This study examined the obstacles and problems experienced by students with disabilities in higher education and hypothesize on the quality of integrated higher education. The research subject believed that the main difficulties experienced in the educational process include living environment, academic learning, and interpersonal communication. The findings of this research indicated that inclusive education is the most effective approach for accommodating students with disabilities, and universities should implement changes to ensure their full inclusion and participation.</p> Wang Xiuli, Kway Eng Hock Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Education & Technology Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUAL TEMPERAMENT AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN THE COLLEGE ENGLISH WISDOM EDUCATION <p>From the epidemic's start, China has fully embraced new technologies like 5G, big data, AI, the Internet of Things, and others to create smart campuses and classrooms for its extensive online schooling program. It overcomes the constraints of time and place and substantially resolves the issues with distance learning. Thus, a number of issues have emerged. Online courses are ineffective for students, some unlawful individuals use platform bugs to profit from "Cheating Courses by Paying," we pay too much attention to the advancement of technology while ignoring the fundamentals of education, etc. Nan Huaijin believes that education should be involved in students’ temperament and disposition, "education aims at changing temperament", and the biggest responsibility of education is not to pass on knowledge, but to change customs and emotions. This paper tries to explore the true meaning of wisdom education from the perspective of personality education and solve the problems in current education and build a real wisdom education</p> Cui Lei, Lee Leok Cheong Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Education & Technology Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PARENT’S INVOLVEMENT IN PRESCHOOL AND ITS INFLUENCES ON CHILDREN'S LEARNING ACTIVITIES <p>Parents are central figures in the children's learning process and their involvement in the preschool does have an influence on the effectiveness of the learning process. However, parents in Malaysia are facing the issue of a lack of opportunities for involvement in the preschool in which their children study. This is believed to be affecting the learning efficiency of the children. A quantitative study using the convenience sampling method was used to source 390 respondents. The objective involves exploring how the role of the parents of preschools can result in a child being able to learn more efficiently. The results of the survey were analyzed with SPSS version 26. The findings of the Pearson’s correlation test and multiple regression test results have shown that parental involvement in parents’ involvement in the teaching method used in preschools, and parents’ involvement in a certain degree of school-based activities at the preschool are all very important to ensure better learning efficiency of the children. The main implication of these findings is that preschools are recommended preschool teaching methods, and school-based activities, and this is to ensure parents are able to make a positive decision to choose a preschool that can provide their children with quality education.</p> Radhega Ramasamy , Yasmin Hussain, Yudi Fernando, Diyana Kamarudin Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Education & Technology Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000